We’ve made over 100 video job posts for employers of all sizes

Bring your job to life with video

Gen Z will be 43% of the workforce

C-Me is on a mission to change the future of hiring. Using the C-Me video-first hiring platform, employers bring their jobs to life with video to connect with Next Generation talent. We’re raising a Seed round and we’re super excited!

Since launching in 2022, we’ve helped over a hundred organisations bring their jobs to life with video, to excite Gen Z and Early Talent audiences. By 2030, Gen Z will account for a third of the UK workforce. They’re mobile-first, video-first, and want alignment with employer values and purpose – the ‘why us’.

C-Me changes how Gen Z gets hired

Whilst the megabrands embrace the power of video, most companies are stuck using traditional hiring methods that fail to excite Gen Z audiences. We’re solving that. With C-Me, organisations of all sizes can now take a video-first approach to attracting the best early talent.

Come and join us on the journey…

C-Me. Hiring tomorrow’s workforce. Today.

Simple, professional, and fun

See what else employers have to say about C-Me

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